Tasman East Project Amendment Perspective
Thie city planning department held a meeting to get community input for an amendment to the project. The amendment is to include a paseo along the Calle Del Sol portion of the project.
The paseo could provide a great space for gathering and retail if done right. As Northside grows, each development should have some retail in its plan. This can help decrease cars on the road and increase pedestrians, which also brings foot traffic to businesses.
Additional comments and suggestions
- The paseo should be designed into a mini destination with its a unique identifier
- Keep the paseo completely pedestrian, and allows walkthrough with bikes to ensure bike path is connected but not intrusive to the pedestrian experience and not too long, either
- Space should be built such that the residents in the 4500 units, around 9000-11000 people, can walk to the local retails for needs and services. Otherwise, that will be another ~10,000 people on the roads.
- From Tasman make sure entry to Calle Del Sol has drawn people’s attention with signage and retail to visit the paseo. That provides foot traffic for small businesses and retailers to thrive.
- Use the center length of the paseo to create spaces for small popup shops and also outdoor seating for restaurants or the public. So small businesses can afford to be in new spaces without the heavy overhead costs of full retail space.
- Art and Culture to celebrate the space and create unique experiences across the length and appropriate fo that length. Example has one major art pad to rotate art pieces periodically, more color and expression to create a rich experience at the human level since it’s almost tunnel with tall buildings along the sides. Break up the 400 sq ft length into 4 100 ft sections with unique composition and activities.
- Beautify the station walls with large canvas or mural paintings to engage the public. Rotate the art by the upcoming and new artists
- I would like to see fountains at the floor level with lights that children can play in, which allows parents to be seated in the green space nearby, and allows some diverse experiences along the stretch.