Gurinder Pal Singh
Harbir has years of record of outstanding Public service. She was probably born with the spirit of Sewa (selfless service). After moving here from college in Ohio to Santa Clara, she and some of her friends organized a Big Brother/Big Sister organization in Santa Clara county. My children along with others were their younger brothers and sisters. This added a lot of healthy fun to their lives.
I have seen her grow up to be a mature and successful public official and volunteer helping in various important social projects. A few years back we hosted the participants from the National Council for the Social Studies conference that was held in San Francisco at the Sikh Gurdwara San Jose, where social studies teachers from all over the USA participated. She played a key role in organizing the closing reception and conference to ensure it was an educational, inspiring, and valuable experience. I have seen her enthusiastically organizing such unifying events across a diverse set of social functions. She believes in creating understanding and building bridges so everyone feels included and a part of community. I endorse her wholeheartedly.
Lori Voiss-Garmany
I endorse Harbir because she is HONEST, CARING to those in our city, is doing this because she has a heart to help ALL people- plain and simple! Harbir has a golden track record of Volunteering and giving of herself to the city of Santa Clara! Vote for Honesty, Trust, Loyalty & Love- Vote for Harbir!
Former Don Callejon Community Organization President, Founder of Cub Scout Pack 323 @ DCS (2007)
Bob Buchser, Teacher & Principal, MCCF Awardee
"I have known Harbir for years now through the Santa Clara Rotary Club. She embodies the Rotary philosophy, "service above self" in all that she does. We have worked together on many programs for Rotary like Steps for Success, new shoes and socks for kids, Christmas for Kids, a holiday celebration, gifts, new winter jackets, and a photo with me, Santa Claus, and recently, Harbir is Ms. Claus. Outside of Rotary, she is heavily involved in the community to help residents, seniors, youth and the vulnerable. She is always coming up with creative solutions by bringing people, organizations, and businesses together to address problems and community needs. Like she did with COVID relief effort this year by launching Santa Clara Community Coalition. She got people together and they made tens of thousands of masks, made jobs for the unemployed to build face shields, served 1000s of people with groceries and supplies during shelter in place, and made online story time and cooking time with kids since the start of shelter in place.
She is collaborative, innovative, genuine, smart, experienced and for the community. I highly encourage you to vote for Harbir K Bhatia for Santa Clara District 1."
-Bob Buchser, Teacher & Principal, Mission City Community Fund (MCCF) Awardee
Mike Sellers Endorsement
Mike Sellers, President Rotary Club of Santa Clara and former Chief of Police, Endorses Harbir Bhatia for Santa Clara City Council, District 1.
Wesley Mukoyama
She represents the new voices against the systemic racism of the city council.
Mike Strouf
I am happy to endorse Harbir after discussing with her the desire to help our city climb out of the financial debt we have put ourselves into these past years. It is refreshing to talk to someone who feels like we need more transparency in our city government and who supports small business, and wants to create revenue from Levi Stadium and the 49ers.
Intero Real Estate - Santa Clara
Michael Sage
I have known Harbir for years, and know her to be a humane, pro-active people-person who will do a great job serving the people of our city.
Ash Kalra, CA State Assemblymember
I am proud to endorse and recommend Harbir for the Santa Clara City Council. I have known her for many years and know she would make a great councilmember. She is the type of leader that will build bridges in order to find the best solution and community benefit with a focus on families and small businesses. Having a background in technology and management will be an asset in navigating Santa Clara through the difficult economic times our state is facing in the months and years ahead. Her love for the community will ensure decisions benefit everyone, including the underrepresented. Santa Clara is a diverse city and deserves diverse representation that reflects the community. Harbir will work to create a better city for everyone!
Gabby Chavez-Lopez President of the Board at Latina Coalition of Silicon Valley *
Amy Cho, President of Santa Clara Library Foundation*
I have worked side-by-side with Harbir for two years as board members at the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends. During that time, I observed Harbir lead as President and Vice President with a clear vision and drive as well as communicate eloquently and effectively. She was key in establishing a sustainable strategy, building fundraising opportunities and partnerships, and lifting the organization to the next level.
When she mentioned her run for City Council to me, I was absolutely thrilled - a diverse, strong Santa Clara deserves a representative and advocate with talents, knowledge, and experience like Harbir's. Her leadership is one-of-a-kind, balancing and combining many traits: authenticity, humility, passion, dedication, reason, practicality, initiative, creativity, and positivity. She is a model for how to be a better servant to the community. When making decisions, she welcomes, listens, and respects everyone's input in order to make a better choice and brighter future.
It's abundantly clear how much she loves family, friends, community, and people in general - she has their best interests in her heart. I have great faith Harbir K. Bhatia is the best choice for Santa Clara City Council District 1.
Amy Cho
Board President, Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends

Nancy Toledo, Chair of Senior Advisory Commission *
Larry Fargher, Former Mayor of Santa Clara and Fellow Rotarian
Harbir is the perfect choice for Santa Clara City Council. She has shown her abilities. Harbir is well known for her vast volunteering and leadership experience in many organizations, her energy, her stick to it attitude, and always getting the job down. She is a much-needed voice of reason on the current council that has gotten our city millions of dollars in debt. I highly recommend Harbir K Bhatia for Council.
-Larry Fargher, Former Mayor Of Santa Clara and Fellow Rotarian
Sundar Viswanathan
I would like to strongly endorse Harbir Kaur Bhatia for Santa Clara City Council. Harbir is a friend, an Indian-American Sikh lady, and an immigrant who has resided in Santa Clara for over 16 years, as well as the bay area for 24 years. I have observed her serving the community as a valued community organizer. I have seen first-hand the value she can bring as a civic entrepreneur, not just a typical politician!
She has an extremely diverse professional background as an engineer, marketer, strategist, event & online producer, and community organizer. I respect her Masters in Engineering from Santa Clara University and a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering, inspired by her amazing Dad and Mom. As a proud Sikh woman, Harbir practices Dharam (virtue) and Seva (Service), and brings her values and beliefs to her community service every day.
As a Community Benefit Consultant and community organizer, Harbir strives to serve the residents, small businesses, the youth, and seniors. She has always had a passion for innovation, creating awareness, connecting people, and creating value.
During the COVID crisis, she started the SC Community Coalition and a few initiatives to provide relief to Santa Clara residents. With the support of others and partnerships, her initiatives were able to create a great impact.
For example, I know that the food pantry led by her has been serving almost 1000 households of vulnerable groups, and that her team has made and donated over 40,000 masks for local and national groups. They've even designed and produced around 6000 hand-made premium medical grade face shields by employing local workers.
In addition, Harbir serves and has served on a variety of boards and organizations, such as the Santa Clara Community Coalition – CoVID Relief, Santa Clara Cultural Commission, The Women’s Forum, the Santa Clara Library Foundation, Northside, JOY of SEWA, SC Rotary,
SC Rotary Multicultural and Inclusion Task Force. She's received many awards for leadership and service, such as “The Community Hero Award by California Assembly”, “Women’s Empowerment: Inspiring Achievement Award”, “Distinguished Community Leader”, and more.
Victoria Singh Gill
Harbir is the type of candidate that our local and national politics is starving for. With her experience and spiritual life steeped in service towards others and the community, Harbir would be a wonderful representative of Santa Clara's diverse constituents. Not only is Harbir well qualified to serve our city and peoples, but the current council has actively attempted to create racist and immoral policies that are self-serving. I am endorsing Harbir because she represents change, equity, and our communities.
Pavan Goklani
I have known Harbir for almost 20 years now. She was born to be a community leader and a voice of all. I have seen how she tirelessly toils to move a community forward, removing roadblocks and bringing people together.
Harbir is the best thing that can happen to Santa Clara undoubtedly!
Vote for Harbir!
Sylvia Arenas, City of San Jose Councilmember
Raj Chahal, City of Santa Clara Councilmember* and Past President of Sister Cities Santa Clara*
Patty Mahan, Former Mayor and Councilmember City of Santa Clara
Pat Kolstad, Former City of Santa Clara Council Member
Dr. Mohammad Nadeem, Professor and Former Civil Service Commissioner of Santa Clara
I have known Harbir for many years as a community organizer. We fought for the Northside Library together. Where she played a significant role in fundraising and creating awareness so the library could become a reality. It’s been a goal of mine to see a more inclusive council. She brings diversity, education, experience, and love for the community to the table. I am confident in her ability to bring solutions, evaluate proposals, and make decisions for the benefit of the community! Harbir will do a great job to represent and care for all the residents as a councilmember! – Dr. Mohammad Nadeem, Professor and Former Civil Service Commissioner
Karen Hardy, Council Member City of Santa Clara*
Karen Hardy, City Council Member of Santa Clara, Endorses Harbir Bhatia for Santa Clara City Council, District 1.